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Apps That Can Help Senior Citizens Stay Fit, Connected, Entertained And Make Lives Easier

Life can be challenging in old age, but there are ways to make it easier. The digital world offers various mobile apps and websites to help them carry out daily tasks conveniently.

September 7, 2024
September 7, 2024
Senior citizens sitting on a bench at park

Senior citizens sitting on a bench at park

Old age brings many challenges, from physical and mental health issues to memory loss and loneliness. It was easier for them to manage such problems when joint family structures were more prevalent, but the evolution of nuclear families has led to new challenges.

Increased life expectancy has made the efforts to address these issues more challenging. According to the “Ageing Well in Asia: Asian Development Policy Report, 2024,” the share of older people living alone has increased by 17 per cent since the turn of the millennium. While some people prefer this, others have become lonelier as the younger generation are busy with their own lives and don’t have the time for the elderly, leaving them to care for themselves.


But the good news is the digital world can offer a way out from this gloom-doom situation with solutions for social connection, fitness, finance, entertainment, books, food, politics, travel, business, and more. Smartphone apps like WhatsApp, YouTube, Facebook, etc., and news apps can come in handy for socialising, entertainment, and staying updated with the daily dose of what’s making the headlines.

Here are some apps that seniors may find useful:


For Health Stats And Medication Alerts:

A decline in physical health is inevitable with ageing. However, regular exercise may help delay the rapid deterioration. The Google Fit app can set fitness goals, customise exercise plans, and track progress tailored to the needs of senior citizens. For those who prefer working out at home due to mobility issues, apps like Home Workout, Fitify, and Yoga for Beginners offer exercise routines for knee pain, back strength, neck pain, and more. Additionally, for those who frequently forget to take their medication on time or need reminders for doctor appointments, the Medisafe app can remind you to manage medication time.

For Cognitive Health And Memory:

As people age, they generally forget things. Although mild forgetfulness is expected at any age, one can keep memory sharp by learning something new, exercising, or playing games designed to maintain mental agility. Apps like Lumosity aim to improve memory and reasoning through cognitive training. Another app, Focus, targets enhancing memory and cognitive skills by training different brain areas through games. Seniors might also want to explore other apps in this category, like Elevate, Words of Wonder, and Train Your Brain.

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For Overall Care:

Some apps are designed for comprehensive senior care, catering to their health and social needs. While social networking apps cater mainly to communication, certain apps provide comprehensive senior care. Evergreen Club is an app for adults aged 50 and above that allows them to connect with their peers, share pictures, and attend courses, workshops, live sessions, etc., to enhance their knowledge.

Another app, Khayaal, offers digital literacy programmes for seniors to navigate today’s digital landscape and learn about digital security. They can also participate in online activities like yoga, music, gardening, and brain games. It also helps its members explore post-retirement employment and provides on-demand healthcare services like diagnostics and pathology. In cases where seniors may face emergency medical needs, the app assists. For example, “Emoha—Support for Seniors” offers 24-hour ambulance support in emergencies, preventive health monitoring, and other healthcare support besides social engagement.

So, there are apps for almost every need. However, it is vital to download them from secure sources like Google Play for Android phones and the Apple Store for iPhones.

It is important to stay vigilant online.

A Few Points To Consider:

– Check the ratings and reviews of any app before downloading.

– Pay attention to the permissions an app requests; if you feel they are intrusive or unnecessary, consider not downloading the app.

– Also, remember to update your device and apps regularly to ensure security.


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