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5 Health Gadgets For Senior Citizens To Help Improve Their Life Quality

Healthcare devices can help seniors cope with difficult medical conditions and recover.

March 12, 2024
March 12, 2024
Smart Wrist Band that shows vitals, heart rate and oxygen levels

Smart Wrist Band that shows vitals, heart rate and oxygen levels

With age, senior citizens could face many health complications and require pre and post-hospitalisation care. Some seniors also suffer sleep deprivation, mental illnesses, strokes due to unhealthy lifestyles, etc., requiring constant monitoring of their conditions. Hence, to help monitor them, some high-tech health devices can come to their rescue for ease and comfort.  Some of these Health care gadgets are small yet very effective and can be a valuable investment to help seniors cope with various illnesses.

Here are some healthcare devices to consider.


Memory Aid

Memory loss is a significant issue in seniors’ health. Memory loss can be a common sign of ageing or a more severe condition such as dementia. Smart devices can help alert medicine schedules and other events. Headbands can help monitor seniors’ cognitive conditions through sensors, allowing you to empathise and provide them with the necessary care.

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Smart Bands

Smart bands such as watches and vital trackers alert seniors of increased heart rate. When synced with your smartphone through Bluetooth, they can call for help. Smart bands can also help track movements and send reminders if you sit for long hours. They can also detect oxygen levels, breathing rates, and stress levels in senior citizens.

Automatic Pill Dispenser

Pill dispensers with automatic alarms can help remind seniors when to take their medicines. One can fill each dose in the dispenser’s separate chambers and set a time for the medication to be taken. This gadget can help those with illnesses such as diabetes or high blood pressure take medicine without forgetting, which can worsen their condition.


Virtual Reality headsets are for people with neurodegenerative diseases or recovering patients of stroke, spinal cord or brain injury. It is customisable to each patient according to their needs and records their progress through physiological and kinematic responses. The responses are stored as scores and metrics in a therapy session, like a game, to keep seniors engaged while ensuring they don’t cross their physical limits. It can be a good tool for those with prosthetic limbs, as it can help seniors align their mental and physical movements.

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Sleeping Aids

Sleeping at night can be difficult with retirement as the movement is reduced which can sustain energy in your body keeping you energetic and preventing sleep. Smart gadgets such as a sleeping metronome is a device with light systems that helps you fall asleep naturally without the use of medications. As medications can be harmful and make you dependent or causes addiction, this device avoids these drastic measures and helps your mind and your breathing to  sync with the light and you can fall asleep with ease.

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