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Annual Bonus: How To Use The Money Smartly In Retirement Planning

You can use the annual bonus money wisely to secure your finances in retirement.

June 11, 2024
June 11, 2024
SCSS Vs Senior Citizens FD

SCSS Vs Senior Citizens FD

You can do a lot of things with your annual bonus money. You may spend it on discretionary items, such as TV, fridge, AC, house furnishing or down payments for a car or home loan. Some people also like to spend the bonus on travel, entertainment, festivities, clothes, and gadgets. However, one thing they often miss is that it could be used smartly for retirement planning. So, if you are expecting a substantial bonus from your employer, you can invest it in money-making tools instead of splurging on items that depreciate in value or if you don’t need them instantly.
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If you use the money wisely, it can help increase the nest egg for retirement, which could also help you retire early. Ideally, every penny earned should be used for a constructive purpose.


Here are three things one can do with their bonus money and reduce the burden for retirement.

Repay Your Debt

Debt repayment should be the priority if you get additional money as an annual bonus. You could make a partial payment of your home loan, which also provides tax benefits. This prepayment will help reduce your loan tenure or equated monthly instalments (EMIs) and save on interest. It will also give you a psychological boost, having reduced your debt and less financial burden in retirement. So, use your year-end bonuses to become debt-free.


Invest For Long-Term

Invest in long-term investment instruments to get the most from your savings for retirement. Consider investing avenues like the National Pension System (NPS), Public Provident Fund (PPF), equity mutual funds, index and debt funds, etc., for short- and long-term needs. You could also use your annual bonus to purchase a life or health insurance plan. Insurance coverage will give you peace of mind while working and protection for your family. So, use the additional income wisely to ensure wealth in the long term.

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Up-Skill Yourself

It is often the most neglected area, but it has many advantages for both pre and post-retirement goals. Investing your annual bonus in up-skilling yourself will not only empower you in your job but could also provide an alternate source of income besides pension in old age. Regardless of what you earn, up-skilling is vital to keeping you qualified and competitive over your peers.

As the saying goes, when there is no pain, there is no gain. Although this exercise may initially seem taxing, it can give you the edge in your struggle for financial independence and a better life. Whatever your life stage is, up-skilling is important. It has additional benefits, too. It will keep you mentally sharp as you will continuously learn new things. So, in conclusion, use your annual bonus productively for peace of mind and financial security in your golden years.


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