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Places To Visit In Puri For Elderly Travellers

Puri offers a diverse range of attractions and experiences that cater to the needs and interests of elderly travellers

June 15, 2024
Chilika lake, Odisha, India

Chilika lake, Odisha, India

Puri, a coastal city located in the eastern state of Odisha, India, is not only renowned for its pristine beaches and vibrant culture but also for its spiritual significance. For elderly travellers seeking a blend of relaxation, spirituality, and cultural immersion, Puri offers a plethora of attractions and experiences. Here are some of the best places to visit in Puri for elderly travellers:
Jagannath Temple: One of the most revered Hindu temples in India, the Jagannath Temple is a must-visit for elderly travellers in Puri. Dedicated to Lord Jagannath, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, the temple’s towering spire dominates the skyline of Puri. Elderly travellers can soak in the spiritual ambience of the temple, witness the elaborate rituals, and seek blessings from the deities. It’s advisable to visit during non-peak hours to avoid crowds and long queues.
Puri Beach: Known for its golden sands and picturesque sunsets, Puri Beach is a haven for elderly travellers seeking tranquillity and relaxation. Elderly travellers can take leisurely strolls along the shoreline, enjoy the soothing sound of the waves, or simply sit back and admire the breathtaking views. Beachside shacks offer delicious seafood delicacies, allowing travellers to indulge in the local culinary delights.
Konark Sun Temple: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Konark Sun Temple is located around 35 kilometres from Puri and is easily accessible by road. Built in the 13th century by King Narasimhadeva I, the temple is dedicated to the sun god Surya. Its intricate stone carvings and architectural grandeur make it a marvel of ancient Indian craftsmanship. Elderly travellers can explore the temple complex at their own pace and marvel at the artistic brilliance of the past.
Chilika Lake: Located around 50 kilometres from Puri, Chilika Lake is Asia’s largest brackish water lagoon and a haven for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. Elderly travellers can take a boat ride on the lake’s calm waters, spot migratory birds such as flamingos and pelicans, and witness the mesmerizing sunset views. It’s advisable to visit during the winter months when the lake is teeming with avian visitors.
Raghurajpur Art Village: Situated around 14 kilometres from Puri, Raghurajpur is a traditional artisan village renowned for its Pattachitra paintings and Gotipua dance performances. Elderly travellers can explore the narrow lanes of the village, interact with local artisans, and witness the age-old art forms come to life. The village also offers opportunities for purchasing authentic handicrafts and souvenirs, making it a cultural delight for visitors of all ages.
Sudarshan Crafts Museum: Located in the heart of Puri, the Sudarshan Crafts Museum is a treasure trove of traditional Odishan handicrafts. Elderly travellers can admire exquisite handloom textiles, intricate stone carvings, and delicate silver filigree work showcased in the museum. The museum also hosts live demonstrations by local artisans, providing insight into the rich cultural heritage of Odisha.
Daya River Cruise: For a leisurely excursion, elderly travellers can embark on a scenic cruise along the Daya River, located near Puri. The cruise offers panoramic views of the lush green countryside, picturesque villages, and serene waterways. Travellers can unwind on the deck, savour delicious Odishan cuisine served onboard, and immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the surroundings.
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