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Monsoon Magic: 5 Road Trips In South India Perfect For Elderly Travellers

Pack your bags, hit the road, and embark on an unforgettable journey through the landscapes of South India

June 12, 2024
Mattupetty Dam Near Munnar: Monsoon In South India

Mattupetty Dam Near Munnar: Monsoon In South India

The monsoon season in South India paints a landscape unlike any other. Lush greenery explodes, waterfalls cascade with renewed vigour, and the air is cleansed with the fresh scent of petrichor. While some might shy away from the rain, for senior travellers seeking a unique and rejuvenating experience, a South Indian monsoon road trip can be an unforgettable adventure. Here are five incredible routes that cater to a relaxed pace, scenic beauty, and cultural immersion, perfect for you and your travel companion.

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Alleppey To Kumarakom (110 km)

Glide through the emerald labyrinth of Kerala’s backwaters on a leisurely houseboat cruise. Starting from Alleppey, the “Venice of the East,” this tranquil route takes you along serene canals fringed with swaying coconut palms and vibrant green paddy fields. The gentle rhythm of the water and the pitter-patter of monsoon rain on the houseboat’s roof create a calming atmosphere.

Activities for Senior Travellers: Wake up to the soft chirping of birds and enjoy a leisurely breakfast on the houseboat deck. Opt for a traditional Kerala massage (Ayurvedic) to soothe your body and mind. As you cruise, stop at local villages and interact with friendly artisans crafting coir products or savour the flavours of Kerala at a charming riverside restaurant. In Kumarakom, explore the serene Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary, a haven for migratory birds, and witness the vibrant dance of nature during the monsoon season.


Coorg (Coffee Route) – Madikeri To Chembra Peak (90 km)

Escape the heat and embrace the cool monsoon embrace of Coorg, fondly called the “Scotland of India.” Starting from Madikeri, the hill station capital, this scenic route winds through verdant coffee plantations carpeted in a fresh, green sheen during the monsoon. Breathe in the refreshing aroma of freshly brewed coffee and learn about the bean-to-brew process at a local plantation.

Activities for Senior Travellers: Take a leisurely drive through the rolling hills, stopping at viewpoints to capture breathtaking panoramas of the monsoon-kissed landscapes. Visit Dubare Elephant Camp, a haven for rescued elephants, and witness their playful antics during their daily bath. Explore the unhurried pace of life in a homestay nestled amidst coffee estates, enjoying authentic Coorgi cuisine and warm hospitality. For the more adventurous, embark on a short and scenic hike to Chembra Peak, known for its heart-shaped lake.

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Hampi (Karnataka) – A Circular Route (60 km)

Step back on a captivating journey through the ruins of Hampi, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This circular route, starting from Hampi itself, allows you to explore the Vijayanagara Empire’s grandeur amidst the monsoon season’s verdant backdrop. The rains add a mystical touch to the ancient temples, monolithic structures, and intricate carvings.

Activities for Senior Travellers: Hire a local guide for a detailed tour, learning about the fascinating history and stories behind the ruins. Take a stroll along the Tungabhadra River, its waters glistening under the monsoon sky. Visit the Virupaksha Temple, one of Hampi’s most active religious sites, and witness the vibrant daily rituals. In the evenings, enjoy traditional cultural performances like Bharatnatyam dance recitals, soaking in the region’s rich artistic heritage.

Mangalore (Karnataka) To Gokarna (180 km)

Embrace the coastal charm of Karnataka on this scenic route, starting from the bustling port city of Mangalore. As you drive south, witness the power and beauty of the Arabian Sea in full monsoon glory. Lush green landscapes meet the turquoise waters, creating a picture-perfect backdrop for your journey.

Activities for Senior Travellers: Explore the vibrant Mangalore markets, known for their fresh seafood and colourful spices. Take a boat ride on the Netravati River, a serene waterway with verdant mangroves. In Gokarna, a laid-back beach town, unwind on the golden sands and listen to the rhythmic sound of the waves. Visit the ancient Mahabaleshwar Temple, a sacred Hindu pilgrimage site, and witness the unique architecture against the backdrop of the monsoon sky. To taste local culture, attend a Yakshagana performance, a vibrant folk dance drama showcasing stories from Hindu mythology.

Kovalam (Kerala) To Alleppey (185 km)

Embark on a wellness journey through the renowned Ayurvedic centres of Kerala on this coastal route. Starting from Kovalam, a beach paradise known for its gentle waves and healing Ayurvedic treatments, travel north towards Alleppey. The monsoon season enhances the therapeutic benefits of Ayurveda, as the cool, moist air aids detoxification and rejuvenation.

Activities for Senior Travellers: Indulge in personalised Ayurvedic treatments like Shirodhara (oil pouring) or Abhyanga (herbal oil massage) under the guidance of experienced practitioners. Relax on the pristine beaches of Kovalam, soaking in the gentle sunshine that often peeks through the monsoon clouds. Take a detour to Poovar Island, accessible by a short boat ride, and explore its tranquil canals and lush backwaters. In Alleppey, participate in a yoga session overlooking the backwaters, combining physical and mental well-being.

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