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Here’s How Travelling Positively Impacts Your Wellbeing

Travelling in the later years is linked with positive ageing

May 31, 2023
May 31, 2023
7 Things Elderly Travellers Are Tired Of Hearing

7 Things Elderly Travellers Are Tired Of Hearing

Travelling is all about broadening our horizons, having different experiences, meeting people from diverse walks of life, and perhaps discovering something about ourselves that we never knew existed. Age is no bar to exploring the world. In fact, travelling will do you a host of good as studies have shown that it enhances psychological well-being, leading to positive ageing. Here’s how:

Keeps Stress and Negativity Away


In today’s rapidly changing fast-paced world, it can sometimes be difficult to keep stress at bay. As you ease into post-retirement life, the feeling of not doing enough could take a toll on your mental health. Travelling and exploring new places is a great way to combat that. When you discover new cultures, meet new people, and explore different ways of living, it stimulates your mind. Research suggests that even taking a three-day vacation reduces stress levels immensely. However, do ensure that you visit easy-to-navigate and age-friendly destinations.

Keeps You Active


Travelling is a great way to get moving. If you have felt your physical activity levels fall, and if simply going for a walk in the park is not enticing enough, plan a trip somewhere. While visiting a new city or a country, you can also consider taking up group activities such as slow-paced walks, and museum or art gallery tours. Besides keeping you active, it is a great way to avoid boredom. You can also join local group exercise classes (such as tai chi) or get your hands dirty learning something new, such as pottery. Guided garden tours are also a great idea and are available across many travel booking platforms.

Helps You Socialise

If you have been craving a connection and looking for ways to interact with like-minded people, travelling is an excellent way to do so. Joining a senior-friendly travel group like Golden Agers ( or participating in group activities while on a trip is the easiest way to connect with people, thereby combatting feelings of isolation that may have become a characteristic of urban life.

Keeps You Curious

No matter what your age is, curiosity is a healthy mind’s best friend. If you feel jaded, there’s no better way to curb that feeling than to visit a new place. The best part about travelling is realising how much more there is to see, experience, and explore. A learning vacation offers opportunities to expand your horizons. On your next holiday, why not choose an activity that has always been on your bucket list but has eluded you because you have not found the time.

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