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Top 5 Destinations For Elderly Travellers In December In Europe

Travelling to Europe in December as an elderly explorer offers a unique opportunity to experience the continent's rich history and diverse cultures in a season of festive celebration

November 3, 2023
November 3, 2023
Historic City Center In Bruges

Historic City Center In Bruges

As the frosty breath of winter sweeps across Europe, December paints the continent in a magical hue, turning its picturesque landscapes into a wonderland of festive cheer. For elderly travellers seeking a unique and enchanting experience, December in Europe offers many destinations brimming with history, culture, and seasonal delights. Here are five enchanting places tailored for elderly explorers during this wintry month.

Vienna, Austria


December in Vienna is a sight to behold as the Austrian capital transforms into a dreamy setting adorned with twinkling lights and classical melodies. The city’s iconic Christmas markets, such as the Christkindlmarkt at Rathausplatz, exude a fairy-tale charm. Elderly travellers can delight in the festive ambience, savouring aromatic glühwein (mulled wine) while strolling through the stalls filled with handcrafted goods and traditional treats. The city’s majestic palaces and grandiose architecture, including Schönbrunn Palace and Hofburg Palace, offer indoor exploration with rich histories and architectural splendour, providing respite from the cold.

Bruges, Belgium


Known as the “Venice of the North,” Bruges casts a spell with its cobbled streets, medieval architecture, and serene canals. In December, this Belgian gem is enveloped in a gentle, festive spirit, perfect for elderly travellers seeking a quieter, charming experience. The Christmas markets and ice rinks across the city offer delightful diversions, while the iconic Belfry and serene Beguinage provide historical immersion without the crowds of peak tourist seasons.

Lapland, Finland

For those seeking an unforgettable winter wonderland experience, Lapland, in the northern reaches of Finland, is an idyllic destination. Lapland offers elderly travellers a chance to witness the enchanting Northern Lights, embark on reindeer sleigh rides, and experience the joy of husky safaris in a magical, snow-blanketed landscape. Resorts like Rovaniemi provide comfortable accommodations and easy access to various arctic adventures, ensuring a cosy and memorable winter escapade.

Strasbourg, France

In the heart of the Alsace region, Strasbourg embodies a blend of French and German cultures, creating a uniquely festive atmosphere during December. The city hosts one of the oldest and most charming Christmas markets in Europe. Elderly travellers can bask in the glow of the city’s stunning Cathedral, wander through the cobblestone streets of La Petite France, and revel in the Alsatian gastronomy featuring delectable treats like bredele (traditional Alsatian Christmas cookies) and hearty stews.

Rome, Italy

While not your typical wintry wonderland, Rome in December offers a more temperate climate with a touch of festive elegance. Elderly travellers can explore the city’s historical sites without the scorching summer heat. The Vatican City, the Colosseum, and the Roman Forum provide a glimpse into the grandeur of the past. Additionally, Rome’s piazzas and streets are adorned with Christmas lights, while local markets offer an opportunity to savour Italian seasonal specialities such as panettone and torrone.

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