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It All Starts With A Dream, A Financial Roadmap And Diligent Work For A Happy Retirement

Pawan Agrawal’s financial roadmap helped him achieve his goals in each phase of his life, and he has no plans to retire any time soon, although the work no longer binds him.

February 28, 2024
February 28, 2024
Pawan Agrawal

Pawan Agrawal

Pawan Agrawal, 61, lives in the Chandkheda suburbs of Ahmedabad, where he runs a successful transportation business called Pan Logicare. It has been an exhilarating journey for Agrawal, from an 18-year-old working professional in the transport industry to setting up his own venture in the same field. Agrawal has meticulously planned for retirement, even as he has prepared for other life goals, from marriage and children to being an entrepreneur.

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Agrawal’s over four-decade-long career, which saw his many ups and downs, is an example and an inspiration for others that ambition, dedication and a clear roadmap can make dreams a reality. Agrawal, who lives with his wife Meera, 56, married son Neeraj, 34, and his family , says, “Dreams motivated me to get up every morning and work towards my goals, something that I could pass on as a legacy, and is more than just a family name.”

Neeraj and his family live with his parents, while daughter Uma, an MBA, and her husband, who is a doctor, and their one-year-old child live in another part of the city.


Agrawal dreamed of owning a business early on, even though he had a job and worked hard to achieve it. His life story portrays the struggles, dreams, and turns and twists that most Indian middle-class households go through on their way to becoming entrepreneurs.

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Beginning of A Dream

Agrawal started his job at a transport company called Bush Transportation when he was 18. He spent 12 years there before starting his own venture in 1995, when he was in his early 30s, although the preparation had begun much before while he was still on the job.

“I worked for long hours, 18-20 hours a day, to get my business where it is today,” says Agarwal about his struggles in his new venture. However, he says, the experience as a working professional and a full-fledged entrepreneur was worthwhile that transformed his life positively.

His Legacy To Children

Agrawal’s successful transport logistics venture became a family business after his son Neeraj joined the company. Today, they work side by side. Says Agarwal, “Even though I consider myself retired, I still go to the office like always at 11 in the morning and come back at 6 in the evening. My son handles everything major, but I like to keep myself occupied.”

Retirement Planning

Agarwal says, “As it is a family business, my son handles everything now; money is not an issue. I have a good financial understanding with my son; I make withdrawals from the income whenever needed. I wouldn’t say I am financially dependent on my son as we work in a joint family. Although I am retired, I plan on working till my body allows me.”

Agrawal also has savings and investments. “I have my savings and invested in fixed deposits, stocks, and equity mutual funds over the years, and LIC, which is about to mature,” he says.

As he is still working and has adequate funds for retirement, it allows him to take trips for vacations, which his son plans for him.

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Pawan Agrawal has no loan EMIs or mortgages. The only time he took a loan was when he bought his house. “I took a loan when we bought the house whose mortgage has been paid already, the business is fine, and there is no financial burden,” says Agarwal.

Agrawal also has life and health insurance policies, although his health is in good shape. “I had a floater package when the kids were young, but I changed it when they became adults. My wife and I are on a separate plan now; I am diabetic, and she has an asthma problem; apart from that, we do not have any critical illnesses that may require frequent hospitalisation,” he adds.

In conclusion, Agrawal’s financial roadmap helped him achieve his goals in every phase of his life, and he has no plans to retire any time soon. “God forbid, in an emergency, I won’t have a financial problem in the future,” he says. Due to Agrawal’s financial discipline, he now enjoys more free time from work, and the work does not bind him.

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