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Few Options To Consider As A Career In Your Second Work Innings

Whether you retire early or at the usual age of 60, but if you still want to keep yourself engaged and earn fruitfully, here are a few career options you might consider for your second work innings

September 14, 2023
September 14, 2023
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SCSS Offers Highest Interest Rates

For many in the last years of their working life, retirement is the happy start to a new phase of life. It provides ample time and opportunities to explore places, hobbies, and even a second career. However many of them also want to consider Second Work Innings.

Today, the choices are plenty for both the early-age retirees as well as for those who retire at the usual age of 58-60.


So, here are a few options that the retired could consider for their Second Work Innings in their retirement years to remain engaged meaningfully and productively.

Options As A Second Career


The early retirees can keep themselves engaged in the same field in allied activities or can start their venture if they are financially in good stead. However, for the people who took a break, retired early, or are 60 years and above, there are different sectors where they can restart.

Entrepreneurship: This is the most preferred route for the financially secure who could take some business risk, invest their money, and start a venture. So, if you have the risk-taking ability, you may try out entrepreneurship to keep yourself engaged and also to make it big.

Teaching: This could be a viable choice after retirement if you like being with young people. Although there could be challenges, the expertise, skills, and experience you would have gathered in your work life will provide your students with an immense value that no amount of information freely available in the digital world can provide. Also, if one has a good grip on the subject matter or has expertise in administering things, these skills can be used even after retirement. One could also explore part-time teaching options and freelance work as a viable career option to continue to remain engaged and earn meaningfully. You may also extend mentorship where youngsters can benefit from your experience.

Non-profits: Many people who retire from high-stress work, find joining a non-profit a personally fulfilling and satisfying option. Many non-profits need seasoned and experienced professionals, so one may use the corporate experience there for the benefit of others instead of running after profits and feeling a sense of fulfillment.

Consultant: You may choose to become a consultant and provide your experience for hire. Many people like their work, but because of age or other reasons, cannot continue at full capacity. They may still consider continuing to work in the same field as a consultant or a coach.

Many companies also prefer this as it costs them less because they do not have to pay perks and other benefits that usually come with full-time employment.

If you have a niche in a field such as marketing, finance, IT, or management, you may think of starting a consultancy venture of your own.

Career Coaching: While there is no dearth of information available on digital platforms, there are a few things that can only be learned from a professional. This is also the reason why there is a need for life skill coaches, and career coaches to suggest directions to the young generation. So, one could choose to be a mentor and guide the next generation in their career and development.

Blogging: Many think of writing a memoir after their retirement. If you too belong to this tribe, then this is a perfect time to sit down with a pen and paper or your laptop and start writing your life experiences. One could also start by writing blogs, sharing experiences, educating people, or simply entertaining the audience with innovative ideas.

Though making a living with it may be challenging at the start, one may develop a following with consistent presence and different connecting ideas, and it could well turn into a regular income opportunity and a good Second Work Innings option.

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