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What Is A Vote-From-Home Facility For Senior Citizens?

The festival of parliamentary elections has begun in India, and the Election Commission of India has extended the vote-for-home facility for senior citizens. Do you know what a vote-for-home facility is and how it is going to help senior citizens?

April 27, 2024
April 27, 2024
Vote From Home Service For Senior Citizens

Vote From Home Service For Senior Citizens

Heatwave is everywhere in India, but it’s also time to cast your valuable vote in the parliamentary elections. Two phases of the election have already concluded till April 26, 2024, and now 5 phases remain. To ensure that everybody can cast their votes, the election commission has also extended the vote-from-home facility for senior citizens. This facility will benefit senior citizens above the age of 85 years. Let’s check out the details of the vote-from-home facility and how eligible voters can use it.

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What Is A Vote-From-Home Facility?

As the term suggests, under this facility, eligible voters don’t need to visit the polling station to cast their votes. They can use the postal ballot to cast the vote from their home. To use this facility, the eligible voter has to first download Form 12D and inform the Assistant Returning officer about their intention of using the facility vote-from-home. Form 12D can be downloaded from the official website of the Election Commission of India. The voters will get the date and time of their voting, and on the scheduled date, a team of polling officials will visit to supervise the voting process.

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Who Can Use The Vote-From-Home Facility?

This time the option to vote through postal ballot has been extended to people aged 85 and above and to persons with not less than 40% of the specified disability. Eligible voters who have once opted for the vote-from-home facility will not be able to exercise their voting rights by visiting the polling station. The list of eligible voters who can use this facility includes some other sections of voters as well, for example, eligible media persons, workers from essential services, etc.


If you plan to use the vote-from-home facility during this election, make sure you get your name registered in advance. You have to choose this facility before the applicable deadline that has been fixed by the election commission for each polling phase. Don’t forget to mention your correct phone number and mailing address when choosing the vote-from-home facility.

The author is an independent financial journalist.


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