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Three Realities You Must Confront Head-On To Enjoy A Worry-Free Old Age

Planning is critical for peace, financial security, and emotional and physical well-being after retirement, as your income could be limited or even non-existent post-working life.

July 31, 2023
July 31, 2023
Three Realities You Must Confront Head-On

Three Realities You Must Confront Head-On

Retirement planning is not just about having a financial roadmap or managing finances effectively but also about anticipating and preparing yourself in advance against any unforeseen events that are hard to predict. Hence, one should holistically plan for retirement. It means that besides building assets, you must be able to determine how much you will need or, if any unforeseen situations arise, whether your investments can provide an adequate financial cushion. Here are Three Realities You Must Confront Head-On To Enjoy A Worry-Free Old Age.

So consider the following three aspects to plan your retirement effectively.


Determine A Corpus Fund:

Determining a financial corpus is the first step towards building the required wealth for retirement. You may write down the goals you want to achieve in different stages of life such that these objectives are completed on time and do not spill over into your old age, which will delay retirement. Consider your life goals and responsibilities, the expenses you will incur after retirement, and the investments you should make for a full-proof plan. Additionally, the plan must ensure that your financial corpus lasts beyond your expected living years.


Therefore, you may need to readjust the plan periodically depending on the income level, which may increase or decrease, the responsibilities, and the status of each goal set. Another vital aspect that people often ignore when they are young is health. As the saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure,” reminding us that abstaining from risky habits, like smoking, drinking, gorging on junk food excessively, etc., when you are young will help protect your health and finances in old age. You should also consider life insurance for the financial security of your dependents. 

Physical Well-Being: 

Well-being is not just about health but also about living conditions. The comfort level of your living condition is vital as it will directly impact your physical and mental health. If the conditions are bad, it will harm your overall well-being. Although we may plan to spend the golden years in an idyllic location or close to family and friends, sometimes harsh realities of life prove otherwise and do not turn out the way we want. Hence, keeping open the option of moving into a retirement home as your backup plan won’t be a silly idea. It would help if you planned this, considering factors like medical facilities, senior living amenities, safety, ease of transport, the city you plan to move in, its proximity to family members and friends, etc. Avoid random decisions, possibly involve family members in the decision-making process, and evaluate all the aspects carefully before deciding.

Emotional Well-Being: 

It is the most critical aspect you must consider. Your social life and the close bonding with your relatives and friends will ensure both emotional and financial security and a fun-filled life in your golden years. Do not undermine this factor. Retirement brings a lot of free time, and you will need friends and relatives to spend time with. You could sign up for hobby classes you have been long waiting to do or read books and meet friends for which you had little or no time earlier. For a peaceful and happy post-retirement life, be mindful of the emotional security you will need besides finances and health. Ticking these boxes in retirement planning will enhance the quality of life and allow you to enjoy the life you fantasized about, happy, relaxed, and peaceful, with many good memories to cherish before you bid farewell from the earth.

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