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World Senior Citizen Day: 5 Ways To Take Care Of Seniors In Family

Elderly population in India is projected to become around 20 per cent of the total population by 2050. Thus, it is important to have a system in place for their well-being and be mindful of the needs of seniors.

August 21, 2024
August 21, 2024
World Senior Citizen Day

World Senior Citizen Day

World Senior Citizen Day is celebrated every year on August 21, 2024, to show respect and honour the efforts of senior citizens in making society better with their wisdom. The elderly population in India is projected to grow significantly in the next few years. It is projected to be around 12.5 per cent of the total population of the country by 2030, and around 20 per cent by 2050. Therefore, it is important to have a system for their well-being and be mindful of seniors’ needs.

Also Read: How Can Senior Citizens Adopt Technology To Make Their Lives Easy?


Senior issues pertain to ageing but the person having a strong support system can handle it better than those with no support. Yet, the first and foremost concern of any senior is related to health (both physical and mental). Thus what better can be done for them to show care and love than to ensure their good health and well-being?



What Can One Do To Take Care Of The Elderly In The Family?

What senior citizens need the most is love and care in their waning years. So, before thinking of supporting for elderly in the family, one must first know what is their (elderly requirement) and beneficial for them. Are they physically fit or need support, and are they in good mental health with a positive attitude or do they need emotional support to stay mentally healthy, and then act accordingly?


Here are seven ways to take care of the seniors in the family:


Create A Support System:

First create a support system for the elderly in your family if they live with you. If they are not able to take care of themselves, make sure that there is someone with them all the time to take care of their needs. If this is not the case, one may consider hiring a personal caregiver at home for the elderly family member. However, one needs to ensure the dependability of the person entrusted with senior’s healthcare, so entrust someone, whom you know or a trusted organisation. There are organisations that provide care homes for medical care for the long term as well as for the short term until the patient recuperates.


Keep Them Digitally Updated:

One of the primary concerns for senior citizens besides health is the technology. The current day elderly have been active in their life but the sudden change in the last two decades has changed the world drastically, and many times seniors feel outdated as they cannot keep up with the rapidly evolving world. So, educating them about new technology and gadgets like smartphones, laptops, and smartwatches, would not only show your care for them but also make them feel a part of your world.

 Also Read: Five Ways Senior Citizens Can Maintain Good Mental Health

Regularly Communicate:

Studies show that loneliness is one of the biggest issues in old age. Seniors start feeling lonely in old age for different reasons, personal and societal. Loneliness can affect their mental health and lead people to have a negative outlook. To deal with this issue, one can make a routine to communicate with the elderly parents or grandparents regularly and visit them whenever possible.


Get Them Covered Under Health Insurance:

Health insurance is the most important component to cover health risks. To take the best care of seniors, ensure that they have sufficient insurance coverage and if not, get them covered for health so that they do not hesitate to visit doctors and get them checked and treated whenever needed.


Retirement Homes:

In the case of nuclear families, children are not always there to take care of their elderly parents. In many cases, they are in other cities or other countries. Nowadays, many non-resident Indians (NRIs) whose parents are living alone in India, are preferring retirement homes for their parents. These are safer compared to living alone and offer facilities ranging from general medical care to assisted living when a senior citizen is unable to perform daily tasks. The cost depends on the type of retirement home one lives in.


Finally, take care of the elderly in your family by showing them the love, respect, and care they deserve. Ageing is not easy for anybody, but it should not be difficult either.


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