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5 Retirement Planning Mistakes To Avoid For A Financially Secure Future

Retirement planning is crucial for a financially secure future, and avoiding common mistakes is vital. From procrastination to underestimating expenses, here’re at least five retirement planning mistakes to steer clear of. Read on to learn more.

June 1, 2023
June 1, 2023
Pension And Investment Schemes

Pension And Investment Schemes

Retirement planning is a crucial aspect of personal finance that requires careful consideration and strategic decision-making. As life expectancy continues to rise and the concept of nuclear families becomes more prevalent, it is essential to start planning early to ensure a financially secure retirement. Unfortunately, however, individuals often make several common mistakes while preparing for retirement, which can jeopardize their financial well-being later.

Here are five retirement planning mistakes to avoid and practical tips to help you secure a comfortable retirement:


Procrastinating The Start Of Retirement Planning:

Retirement planning is like a marathon, not a sprint. The sooner you start, the easier it becomes to achieve your financial goals.


One of the biggest mistakes individuals make is delaying the start of retirement planning. Many people prioritize immediate financial needs and overlook the significance of long-term planning. However, the power of compounding works best when you have more time on your side. The earlier you start saving and investing for retirement, the better it will be for your financial future.


  • Begin by setting a clear retirement goal, estimating the amount you need based on your desired lifestyle.
  • Start saving and investing in retirement-focused vehicles such as provident funds, pension plans, and mutual funds that offer tax benefits.
  • Take advantage of employer-provided retirement plans like the Employee Provident Fund (EPF) or the National Pension System (NPS).

Underestimating Retirement Expenses:

Retirement is not the time to compromise on your dreams and aspirations. Be realistic about your future financial needs and plan accordingly.

“Another common mistake is underestimating retirement expenses. Many individuals assume that their expenses will decrease significantly after retirement. However, factors such as healthcare costs, inflation, and desired lifestyle choices can lead to higher expenses than anticipated,” says Renu Maheshwari, chief executive officer and principal advisor, Finzscholarz Wealth Manager and a Sebi-registered investment advisor.


  • Consider potential healthcare costs and allocate a separate budget for medical emergencies.
  • Consider inflation while estimating future expenses. Adjust your retirement goal accordingly to ensure it remains relevant over time.
  • Regularly review and update your retirement plan as circumstances change.

Overlooking The Impact Of Inflation:

Inflation is a silent wealth destroyer. Don’t ignore its impact on your retirement savings. Plan for it wisely.

Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money over time, and failing to account for it can be a significant retirement planning mistake. While it may seem challenging to predict inflation accurately, historical data suggests an average inflation rate. Therefore, ignoring inflation can result in a shortfall in retirement funds and an inability to maintain your desired standard of living.


  • Consider investments that offer returns higher than the inflation rate to protect your purchasing power.
  • Diversify your investment portfolio to mitigate inflation risks. Explore options like stocks, bonds, and real estate.
  • Regularly monitor your investments and make adjustments to stay ahead of inflation.

Relying Solely On Provident Funds:

Diversify your retirement portfolio beyond provident funds to enhance wealth accumulation and mitigate risk.

“Provident funds, such as the Employee Provident Fund (EPF), are commonly used retirement savings tools in India. While these funds offer tax benefits and stable returns, relying solely on them may not be sufficient for a comfortable retirement. Depending solely on provident funds limits your investment options and potential returns, potentially resulting in a shortfall of funds in the long run,” says Suresh Sadagopan, founder and principal of Ladder7 Financial Advisories, a financial planning firm.


  • Explore other investment avenues like mutual funds, stocks, and fixed deposits to diversify your retirement portfolio.
  • Consider tax-efficient retirement investment options like the National Pension System (NPS) that offer higher potential returns.
  • Seek professional advice to identify suitable investment options based on your risk appetite and financial goals.

Neglecting A Contingency Fund:

Building a contingency fund is an essential part of retirement planning. It provides a safety net for unexpected expenses and ensures the longevity of your retirement savings.

Many individuals overlook the importance of having a contingency fund while planning for retirement. Unexpected financial emergencies or unforeseen events can disrupt your retirement plans if you don’t have sufficient funds set aside for emergencies. Relying solely on retirement savings without a contingency fund can lead to premature withdrawal and negatively impact your retirement corpus.


  • Set aside a separate emergency fund that covers at least six to twelve months of living expenses.
  • Keep the emergency fund in liquid assets like savings accounts or short-term fixed deposits.
  • Avoid dipping into retirement savings unless necessary to preserve the power of compounding and secure a comfortable retirement.

Retirement planning is a journey that demands careful consideration and avoidance of common mistakes. You can ensure a financially secure retirement by starting early, estimating expenses realistically, accounting for inflation, diversifying investments, and maintaining a contingency fund. Seek professional guidance, stay informed about the changing economic landscape, and adjust your retirement plan periodically to adapt to evolving circumstances. Remember, a well-planned retirement is the key to a stress-free and fulfilling post-work life.

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