3 Things Super Senior Citizens Can Do To Manage Finances Effectively
Financial planning is crucial in every stage of life to achieve specific needs in each phase.
Financial planning is crucial in every stage of life to achieve specific needs in each phase.
Tips to Manage Finances
Managing finances in old age can be tricky, especially for a super-senior citizen. If you have someone to help you, there will be no problem, but if you don’t, then it can be a huge challenge. However, by habit, some people keep financial records tidy, like filing taxes, tracking investment returns, updating pension accounts, etc., and this task may be less burdensome for them as they age. This situation in people’s lives shows that longer life has brought in a new set of challenges.
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Here are a few things super senior citizens can consider to manage their finances efficiently.
This is one of the key steps for reducing the burden of managing finances, particularly if you hold many investment and savings accounts, some of which you may not need now. Consolidating them into a few manageable ones is a great idea. Reduce the number of bank and investment accounts as appropriate for ease of record-keeping. Experts suggest no more than two bank accounts for a senior citizen. They should also have a comprehensive health insurance policy instead of several policies. Also, consolidate all your mutual funds schemes, gold and stock assets, etc., to reduce financial stress. Additionally, they can automate a few services for bill payments and seek professional advice if required.
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Few people do estate planning, although the topicis discussed on various financial platforms. Generally, people are aware of the functions of a Will, but they don’t know how to write it. If you are a super senior citizen (80 years and above) and have not written a Will already, this is the time to write one to ensure smooth distribution of your wealth among the family members as per your wish. So, don’t neglect it anymore. Furthermore, they must assign a trusted person, having knowledge of your Will and where it is stored, so it can be retrieved when the time comes. So, super seniors may choose to leave their legacy through estate planning and write a Will for its execution. The Will comes into force after you are gone. Alternatively, they can create a trust or appoint a power of attorney to handle estate matters while still alive.
Super seniors can create a trust or appoint a power of attorney to handle their health or finance-related matters while they are alive but not in a condition to make decisions. It could be due to severe illness or disabilities. If you have a supportive family in these circumstances, there will be no problem, but it can be difficult if you don’t. So, a trust or power of attorney can come to your rescue if you have them in critical situations.
There are huge amounts of unclaimed funds lying with banks and insurance companies. The reason is that the depositor forgot to share their bank account details and investments with their beneficiaries. So, keeping the family informed about your critical financial assets, such as bank accounts and investments, is crucial.
Ensuring regular income post-superannuation is one of the key objectives of any retirement plan. Here are a few ways to guarantee a steady cash flow in old age.
The path to financial security and a decent corpus is clear and achievable; it requires adherence to the time-tested strategy of compounding steadily, says Mukherjea.
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